Unique.Felt: felt technique at Kalnciema quarters

As of July 29, there is a wonderful opportunity to go enjoy Ivanovs felt works at Kalnciema kvartāls in Riga, Latvia. At the exhibition "Unique.Felt." Ivanovs displays four big format works and some paintings that will greatly contribute to Kalnciema Street quarters atmosphere. Hurry, the works will be shown for 3 weeks only

Ritums Ivanovs “Dreamers II” 150x180cm

The works were created in 2007 during the symposium Changing Felt. In cooperation with Lithuanian artists group Baltos Kandys (White Moths), artists from LV, LT and GER learned to use the technique of industrial felting and created some original art pieces. 

Felt is one of the oldest textiles and it was first mastered in Asia, in the steppes of Mongolia. Traditionally the material was used for making different everyday stuff like tents, wall carpets, pillows and practical clothing like boots, hats etc. Nowadays the technique has regained its popularity and felt is being used in  practical and decorative fields as well as in art.
Kalnciema iela IvanovsGaujarts

Felt: a kind of non-woven cloth made by rolling and pressing wool or another suitable textile while applying moisture or heat, causing the fibers to mat together to create a smooth surface.

Kalnciema Quarter: an ensemble of buildings representing 18th/19th century Western European architecture of late classicism and eclecticism executed in wood. The complex is unique in the European level, as the wooden buildings of this period in other countries, have not survived in such concentration.  

Kalnciema Street significantly influences the perception of Riga City centre - the UNESCO World Heritage Site, being the gateway from the International Airport to the heart of the city.  The location has provided an additional opportunity for effective awareness-raising of the unique wooden architecture heritage.

The group of Riga wooden heritage buildings – Kalnciema Quarter was renovated and opened to public by a small entrepreneurial business – BC Grupa Ltd.  The company has succeeded to re-create the original spirit of the suburban environment and community in Kalnciema Quarter in Riga. The Quarter now hosts series of cultural and business events like tango evenings, eco food market, concerts, exhibitions etc.

Further info: Kalnciema Street Quarter and their Twitter page

Selection of Ivanovs paintings in Riga Gallery
Riga Gallery invites: Art Moscow 2011