Paintings in Würth Collection
The Würth Collection came into being in the 1960s by Reinhold Würth. It consists of a collection of 20th and 21st century art, which has grown over the years to encompass more than 12,000 paintings, graphics and sculptures.
Starting with the modernist movement and featuring works of the Late Impressionist and Expressionist periods (Camille Pissarro, Alfred Sisley, Paul Baum, Heinrich von Zügel, Max Liebermann, Edvard Munch, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Gabriele Münter, Emil Nolde, Max Beckmann, among others), it follows the classical abstraction movement, with particular emphasis on the French École de Paris (Serge Poliakoff, Alberto Magnelli, Auguste Herbin, Aurélie Nemours, Sonia Delaunay-Terk, Victor Vasarely, Jean Dewasne, Jean Deyrolle, André Heurtaux, Franišek Kupka, Hans Hartung, Max Bill, Josef Albers, Henryk Stazewski, Robert Jacobsen et al.).
The contemporary figurative genre is also well-represented with works by artists such as Markus Lüpertz, Georg Baselitz, Anselm Kiefer, Bernd Koberling, Rainer Fetting, Jörg Immendorf, Helmut Middendorf and Dieter Hacker.
Further info: Würth